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The four-tranche, five-year financing is split into two components, and each was designed to address a specific part of the development.
The global law firm reckons conflict in Russia and political uncertainty in China is impacting the assets owned by large US real estate holding companies.
Lenders are gaining the upper hand as well as the ability to build a stronger portfolio.
For investors that are picking the right spots, there is financing. But it is more difficult than it was in the past.
The practice, formerly a niche financing strategy to upgrade properties, is set to become a driving force in ESG lending.
The Boca Raton-based developer sees ample lender interest in new apartment building in up-and-coming markets.
An inverted yield curve typically precedes a recession.
Lenders are starting to better understand the dynamics of energy retrogrades and giving credit for this in pricing.
PCCP sees opportunity in the industrial and multifamily sectors, but is looking analytically throughout the broader commercial real estate market.
Joint venture to fuel western US expansion in tier I, II sub-markets for duo.