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interest rates
Cain International’s US debt platform browses projects that it believes hold profound value.
The firm is looking to grow its debt platform and recently hired Dean Dulchinos as head of debt portfolio management to oversee activity.
Lending market weighs the long-term effect of this week’s 25bps rate increase.
The US commercial real estate debt market is holding out hope for more clarity on the magnitude of future interest rate increases throughout 2023.
Facing a wall of maturities in a rising rate environment, borrowers need the one thing that could prove impossible to get.
US investors will adopt more debt and opportunistic strategies this year, says the firm’s January Investor Intentions Survey.
The firm also believes CMBS delinquencies could rise to top 4%.
Whichever case scenario plays out, the interest rates will keep imposing a significant impact on the real estate capital market.
The alternative credit manager's head of real estate says the current market is ‘almost uninvestable’ amid rate hikes, debt cost increases.
More commercial real estate borrowers are taking a different tack in trying to manage rising interest rates, looking at the potential for assuming seasoned, in-place debt as an alternative to obtaining new financing when making acquisitions.