Home Lending
Higher interest rates are making it more difficult for sponsors to exit properties and refinance debt.
The New York-based mega manager expects deployment activity to become muted but more creative dealmaking to emerge in the near term.
Despite a slowdown in transaction volume, debt managers are moving ahead with hiring.
Aegon AM analysis shows cycle peak possibly achieved amid market uncertainty.
The financing was arranged by Lotus Capital Partners on behalf of the sponsors, Miami-based manager Gencom and New York-based Mohari Hospitality.
Milwaukee, Syracuse city grid changes provide template for increasing tertiary market exposure.
US Bank, Chatham and BEB Capital dive into the sector's evolution away from fixed, long-term lease favorability.
JPMorgan, Nuveen, PGIM talk preservation and creation of units amid heightened market volatility.
Santa Monica advisory provides pref equity on local loan package atop $127m senior loan.
Rising mortgage rates and housing prices, along with new household formation, has meant demand for affordable rental housing has surged.